Dear Fashion, Thank You!

IMG_1951This Thanksgiving season, I am thankful for the fashion and style that surrounds me.

Fashion is my time to experiment and stretch boundaries. Finding an outfit is my motivation to get out of bed in the morning. My mind feels focused and grounded when I complete my ensemble. Yes, I love a good statement piece, like a distressed, ripped jean jacket. But I also love simple, staple pieces. Those black jeans that go with everything or the white tee shirt that hangs just right.

When I love my outfit I instantly feel taller and stronger. There isn’t a better feeling than walking into a room, knowing people are noticing the work put in.  Getting a compliment thrown my way is the best, even if it’s just to say “cute shirt!” I try my best to shoot someone a compliment whenever I dig their style, because I know it feels good.

Of course fashion isn’t all about the outward appearance of an outfit. Many people are using fashion to express their political views and to show their true identity. Celebrities, such as Slick Woods, are constantly breaking the boundaries of fashion. Woods talks about her brutal childhood of being involved with a drug den and going to prison. Most people after being in prison have difficulty finding jobs, let alone be a catwalk queen and the face of a beauty and fashion empire.

So this year, i am most thankful for the impact fashion has had in my life. My mind feels clear when I find a new piece to add to my closet and I get pumped to go home and see how many outfit I can create. I want to encourage anyone who has the patience and desire to amp up their closet and have no fear. If you feel good inside, chances are you look good too 😉

XOXO, Abby


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