Encore! Encore!

IMG_4774Hi all! I am writing to you to say goodbye. My writing class is wrapping up, and so is this blog. It’s been really gratifying to share my experience with fashion and to inspire others with my love of clothes. I might still keep this blog going with my outfits of the day, but for now there may be a lag in posts…

My semester is coming to an end, but my boots will never stop walkin’! I love to talk, write, and think about fashion and the style influencers around me. I can’t wait to graduate from college and make my way to California. I want to take pictures of the people I pass and eat at cute cafes. I want to be able to walk to the beach and see palm trees waving in the breeze.

I will never stop loving fashion and I will never stop creating outfits and recycling old tresses. I created an Instagram account and a Facebook page off of this blog. I have found a new pass time and I am very grateful for this experience.

Thanks for reading and being fab.



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